Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Arthur Mellows Village College

Delivering learning for life within an aspirational culture

Student Performance - 2016/17

Performance measures for Academic Year 2016/17
Key Stage 4

School’s Progress 8 score


School’s Attainment 8 score


Percentage of pupils who’ve achieved grade 5 or above in English and maths at the end of Key Stage 4 


Percentage of pupils who’ve achieved grade 4 or above in English and maths at the end of Key Stage 4


Percentage of pupils entering for the English Baccalaureate


Percentage of pupils who’ve achieved the English Baccalaureate (grade 5 or above)


Percentage of pupils who’ve achieved the English Baccalaureate (grade 4 or above)


Percentage of students staying in education or employment after Key Stage 4 (destinations)



Key Stage 5

The progress students have made compared with students across England

A level: +0.09
Academic qualifications: +0.06
Applied general qualifications: +0.48

The average grade that students get at 16-19 study (key stage 5)

A Level: C
Academic qualifications: Grade C
Applied general qualifications: Distinction*

The progress students have made in English and maths (% of students who achieved a C grade in their GCSE maths and/or English retake)

English: SUPP
Maths: SUPP
SUPP- Suppressed: Where there are 5 or fewer pupils covered by the measure, we avoid making these public to protect the privacy of those individuals)

Student retention (The percentage of students who get to the end of the main programme of study that they enrolled on)

A level: 97.4%
Academic qualifications: 97.4%
Applied general qualifications: 75%

Student destinations (The percentage of students who continue in education or training, or move on to employment at the end of 16-19 study)
