Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Arthur Mellows Village College

Delivering learning for life within an aspirational culture

Religious Education

The RE department at Arthur Mellows is an enthusiastic and thriving department that comprises of 2 specialist RE teachers and a number of non specialist teachers. The RE department is a popular department with growing numbers of students opting to take RE GCSE Full course and Philosophy and Ethics A Level.
The RE department has three rooms dedicated to the subject in the Humanities block. Each classroom is equipped with electronic whiteboards and DVD players. We are a well-resourced department with up to date text books, shared power points, and DVD’s for each Key Stage. We also have a wealth of religious artefacts to engage students and help bring their learning to life. 

Key Stage 3

In Year 7 RE, students study Christianity, Judaism and Islam.  In Year 8 they study Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Students gain knowledge and understanding of these religions through the topics of: people, worship, places, writings, religious calendar, self and community. In Year 9 RE, students study “Rites of Passage”; this includes looking at how coming of age ceremonies are celebrated and commemorated in different religious traditions. Year 9 students also study “Religion and the Media” and a unit on Relationships, considering issues such as marriage, divorce, contraception and gender roles from the perspectives of Christianity and Hinduism in preparation for GCSE RE.  Our Key Stage 3 assessments are based on GCSE style questions in order for students to achieve a smoother transition from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4.

Key Stage 4

Religious Studies full course is a popular option for many students.  It covers 8 units which examine religious beliefs, practices and ethical dilemmas from the perspectives of Christianity and Hinduism.

Key Stage 5

Students follow the Religious Studies A Level – studying Hinduism, Philosophy of Religion and Religious Ethics. It is a very popular course and has a history of very successful results.