Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Arthur Mellows Village College

Delivering learning for life within an aspirational culture

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The Arthur Mellows Parent Teacher Association is open to parents and guardians of students, teachers, grandparents, friends of the College, ancillary staff and governors.  

Our aim is to raise funds to enhance the school experience for the students of Arthur Mellows by assisting in the provision of facilities or educational items not provided from statutory funds.  
While the Association is managed by a committee which meet monthly, volunteers are always very much appreciated and welcome, whether to help at events, donate prizes, support our events by coming along or simply spreading the word about our endeavours.
Past activities have helped raise funds for the stylish eucalyptus seats, picnic benches and also an environmentally friendly hybrid mini-bus.  
Being in the PTA is not just about fund raising,  we do have a lot of fun and make new friends along the way, and of course everyone take a lot of personal satisfaction from making a positive difference for the school.
One of our biggest money-spinners is the sale of second hand uniform. We accept donations of outgrown shirts, sweatshirts, trousers, skirts, sports kit and coats. The College also gives us unclaimed, unnamed, items from lost property. All items are checked for damage, washed and sold at College or AMA events. (Another reason to name your child’s uniform – you’d be surprised how many buyers at our stalls suspect they may be buying their own, unnamed, uniform back!).
We are hoping that the coming year will be even more successful, enabling us to move quickly towards our next funding target.  We encourage as many parents to support us as it will benefit all the children at the College. 
The PTA reports its latest news in the school's newsletter 'The Voice', and you can find details of our meetings and activities on our facebook page at