Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Arthur Mellows Village College

Delivering learning for life within an aspirational culture

Labour Market Information

Information about local and national labour markets can help students make informed choices about future study and training. There are likely to be more job opportunities within growth industries.

The National Careers Service are dedicated to helping people get the advice they need for future skills, careers, work and life choices. They can help people to develop their career with specially designed tools, or get people on the job ladder. The National Careers Service website enables people to browse profiles of 800 different types of job, or by employment sector, to ascertain the skills and qualifications that are needed; people can also read about what the work would be like, the average salary that can be expected along with career prospects.

National Careers Service – A service for the Skills Funding Agency

Regional Local Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information will help you to understand local employment opportunities and the local demand for specific skills.

The link below shows you the following:

  • • The region’s growth sectors
  • • The skills employers are seeking
  • • Where jobs are currently located
  • • Where there are difficult to fill vacancies, indicating skills gaps
  • • The expected hours and average salaries of different occupations
  • • Career paths into different jobs and sectors

Labour Market Info