Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Arthur Mellows Village College

Delivering learning for life within an aspirational culture

Health and Social Care

Key Stage 4

Health and Social Care OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate

All learners will be required to complete the OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Health and Social Care which consists of two mandatory units and one optional unit.

R032 Principles of care in health and social care settings GLH 48 (MANDATORY)

This is an externally assessed unit – ‘Terminal assessment’ - the exam must be taken in the final assessment series before qualification certification.

Key topics that are important when caring for and protecting people in health and social care. 

Topics include: 

  • Topic Area 1 The rights of service users in health and social care settings
  • Topic Area 2 Person-centred values of care
  • Topic Area 3 Effective communication in health and social care
  • Topic Area 4 Protecting service users and service providers in health and social care settings

R033 Supporting individuals through life events GLH 36 (MANDATORY)

This is assessed by a Set Assignment (Coursework) - NEA unit assessed internally and moderated by OCR.

Key topics are growth and development through the life stages and how to understand the needs of individuals who have been affected by life events and how to recommend support to meet their needs. 

Topics include: 

  • Topic Area 1 Life stages
  • Topic Area 2 Impacts of life events
  • Topic Area 3 Sources of support

R035 Health promotion campaigns GLH 36 (OPTIONAL)

This is assessed by a Set Assignment (Coursework) - NEA unit assessed internally and moderated by OCR.

In this unit the learner will research health promotion campaigns and learn about their benefits to society. They will also plan and deliver their own health promotion campaign. 

Topics include:

  • Topic Area 1 Current public health issues and the impact on society
  • Topic Area 2 Factors influencing health
  • Topic Area 3 Plan and create a health promotion campaign
  • Topic Area 4 Deliver and evaluate a health promotion campaign

Key Stage 5

Health and Social Care OCR Technicals Level 3 – Extended Certificate

The National Key Stage 4 Health and Social Care course is the perfect introduction to this Key Stage 5 OCR Technicals course.  The Level 3 OCR Technicals Course in Health and Social Care follows the pathway perfectly and is also on offer at the College in the Sixth Form.

The Health and Social Care course is a vocationally-related qualification which takes an engaging, practical and inspiring approach to learning and assessment. The Cambridge Technicals in Health and Social Care will equip students with a sound, specialist knowledge of how to meet the needs of individuals using health and social care services, along with learning life skills for everyday use.

This course is the equivalent to A Level but instead of A*-G grades students receive a Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction* grading. 

At the end of this course each student will be able to think and act as an independent learner, develop effective communication skills, have skills to manage their own workload and meet deadlines, select and create evidence from information to meet specific requirements, and apply legislation to everyday working environments.

Curriculum Implementation

All learners will be registered to complete the OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate (2016) in Health and Social Care which consists of four mandatory units and two optional units.

  • Unit 1: Building positive relationships in health and social care (mandatory). This is a coursework unit and will be marked by the centre.
  • Unit 2: Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care (mandatory). This is an examined unit, set and marked by OCR.
  • Unit 3: Health, safety and security in health and social care (mandatory). This is an examined unit, set and marked by OCR.
  • Unit 4: Anatomy and physiology for health and social care (mandatory). This is an examined unit, set and marked by OCR.
  • Unit 10: Nutrition for health (optional). This is a coursework unit and will be marked by the centre.
  • Unit 13: Sexual health, reproduction and early development stages (optional).  This is a coursework unit and will be marked by the centre Although not compulsory, students following the Level 3 course would gain significant benefit from a placement in a care setting at some point in the course. This experience is sourced and organised by the student and provides a valuable insight into the application of the course content.

Health and Social Care OCR National Level 3 – Foundation Diploma

This additional course is equivalent to one and a half A Levels and requires the students to complete the units for the Extended Certificate and then the following extra units:

  • Unit 5: Infection control (mandatory). This is a coursework unit and will be marked by the centre.
  • Unit 7: Safeguarding (mandatory). This is an examined unit, set and marked by OCR.
  • Unit 14 The impact of long-term physiological conditions (mandatory). This is a coursework unit and will be marked by the centre.