Finding Work
Part time work while studying
Part time work is a great way for students to earn extra money while developing their confidence, skills and experience whilst at school or college. Work experience, paid and unpaid, will help with future applications for employment, Apprenticeships and Higher Education and/or colleges.
Please see the linked information form Peterborough City Council with regards to child employment.
Child Employment – Peterborough City Council
Where to look for work
Whether you are looking for work upon completion of your studies or part time work whilst in school, research is the key. Students should use the following questions as prompts:
- Where are the growth industries right now? Information on the local and national labour market can be found on within the Careers - Labour Market Information page within the Careers menu.
- What qualifications and training might be needed?
- Do you need a special licence or are there age limits on the work you want to do?
- Have you got any relevant experience yet?
- What financial costs might there be?
There isn’t a way to find vacancies all in one place, so students may need to think a little creatively. Previous AMVC students have found work by:
- Work experience – some companies have been impressed with our students on placement and offered them a part-time job whilst they complete their studies. There have been instances where students have secured a full-time job based on their work experience.
- Social media – this is fast becoming one of the most popular methods of recruiting staff. Employers are using websites such as Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin to recruit staff. It is advisable to set up a ‘professional’ account on these websites for job searches, and keep their personal account separate.
- Calling into businesses and dropping off a CV – Lots of employers really respect this proactive approach and it’s a great way for students to work for someone that they really want to work for.
- Signing up with a Recruitment Agency will open more job opportunities for students. Sometimes these vacancies may be temporary, but they can lead to permanent opportunities and also provide valuable work experience for CVs.
- The majority of employers now advertise their vacancies online. Most large companies will advertise their vacancies on their own company website, so if there is a particular company students would like to work for, they should check out their website. Below are some general and specialist websites where students might want to check to find suitable vacancies: