Arthur Mellows Village College

Delivering learning for life within an aspirational culture


Welcome to the careers section of our website.

NB. The careers information on our website is reviewed on an annual basis at the end of each academic year.

‘Students receive high-quality, individualised information and guidance about careers so that they can choose the further education or training options that will match their interests and abilities, and help them access any intended future career paths.’ Ofsted 2014

At AMVC, our aim is to help students to choose a career that is right for them. We are fully committed to careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for all of our students.  Our goal is to make sure all of our students understand the further education options available to them and that they are fully prepared for their working life after education.

CEAIG is an integral part of our provision for all students and it is taught within the PSHE (Personal Social Health and Education) curriculum within all key stages, although there is some cross-over into individual subjects. For further details on how careers information is integrated into the school please select the link below; this careers framework is supplemented by additional activities throughout the year.

Careers Framework - PSHE at AMVC

We evaluate our practice against the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Benchmarks - these are the benchmarks that underpin the most recent government legislation and the Ofsted framework. They provide an excellent self-assessment and reference point from which to evaluate both our current provision and our development moving forward.

 In summary, the Gatsby benchmarks are:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

AMVC’s CEIAG is evaluated termly, by the careers team.  The views of students, staff, parents and external partners involved in AMVC’s CEIAG will be used to make changes and improvements to the framework on an ongoing basis.   Student feedback will be taken through an evaluation form (and on occasion a focus group also) after every CEIAG event. We will use this feedback to review events and ensure they continue to be effective and have maximum impact.  

Destination tracking information and success rate at Post 16 interviews will also provide evidence of CEIAG impact.  

The Team

All students are entitled to independent and impartial advice and guidance. This could be via a designated website, PSHE lessons, careers events or our dedicated Careers department.

Staff Member

Job Title

Mr N Steele

Senior Manager with responsibility for Careers and Work Experience

Mrs L Shepherd


Miss J Stark

Sixth Form Careers

Mrs S Clarke

Careers Advisor and Work Experience Co-ordinator

Students are able to book a 1:1 appointment with the schools Careers Advisor, Mrs S Clarke.

A member of the careers team will be available to speak to parents at all of our Year 9 Options Evening and Careers Fairs.  Should you wish to discuss your child’s career / educational options at any other time, please contact the Careers Team.

The Careers Team can each be contacted by email at or by phoning 01733 252235.

Additional Resources

Additional resources to support Careers research and advice include:


National Careers Service






Not Going To Uni: Apprenticeships & Work Experience in the UK
